Monday, November 5, 2007

Self Analysis Post

WOW!!! This has been a long journey as I have obtained huge volumes of information about the aerial hunting of wolves and the factors that affect the views towards the morality and humane aspects of aerial shooting as a method of control. Through this increased knowledge regarding the aerial hunting of wolves, I believe I have made an argument that is not only valid, but respectable as a biological view of how this hunting affects the ecosystems in which wolves live. Additionally, some of my arguments can be viewed as cultural studies of why humans feel it is necessary to control the wolf population.

I believe the strongest attributes of my blog include my relatively unbiased look at the situation and my use of logic when arguing my opinion and simply stating facts. By observing additional causes of death for moose and caribou, it added another dimension to the generalized belief that wolves are the main cause of death for the moose and caribou. Additionally, my take on the effect of global warming on wolves gives more validity to the argument that there are many contributing factors for the decline in the moose population. By understanding the effect global warming has on the wolf population, we can better comprehend the reasons for the shifts in populations and migration of the wolves to colder areas. Lastly, my look at the romanticism associated with wolves and the prey they must kill in order to sustain life serves to advance the argument that the feelings of humans towards wolves has a lot to do with why humans feel the need to control the wolf population. The ignorance of many humans concerning the predator-prey relationships wolves interact in is a major reason why they are often misunderstood as malicious and cruel.

My greatest hope and goal for this blog is to raise awareness of the urgent help wolves are in need of as they struggle to gain protection under law with the P.A.W. act that is currently being reviewed in Congress. If my blog has compelled you to take action in obtaining this protection for wolves, I believe I can justify a positive self critique as far as this project is concerned. However, if it has not, my argument could be improved with additional research in how the wolf population can stabilize itself if allowed time and also more research on the necessary predator-prey relationship wolves engage in with respect to moose and caribou.


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