Monday, October 15, 2007

Top of the Food Chain

Often described as "misunderstood", wolves often get a bad reputation because they are at the top of the food chain. However, these predators are extremely necessary in keeping the food chain in check. As the main predator, they are responsible for keeping the populations of their prey in proper boundaries and do so by obtaining nutrition from (or eating) animals such as deer, rabbits, and beavers. Additionally, the wolves create meals for scavengers as they leave much of the carcus behind after getting their fill. As cruel as it may seem, this killing is just a part of life and should not be over dramatized as an act of brutishness that is completely uncalled for.

I agree completely with Brooke as she comments, "We humans are only spectators of a natural process." This is a comment that needs to be considered when evaluating how humans have a sense of sympathising with the prey or the underdog. Additionally, I agree with Erin when she writes that "nature has a way of taking care of itself" and believe this decrease in the moose population is natural and cyclic and will correct itself. After all, humans have not always been around to mediate populations and nature has done just fine on its own.

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