Friday, November 2, 2007

Class Links Post

Over the course of this project, not only have I become more aware of issues surrounding my topic, but also the topics of many of my classmates. Their blogs have raised extremely important questions vital to my generation and generations to come. I have compiled a short list of my favorites and why I enjoy visiting them. The topics include abortion, global warming, and second hand smoke.

Freddie's blog, centered on the issue of abortion is especially interesting because she looks at the issue from multiple directions, not focusing solely on her personal opinion. This unbiased attitude allows her blog to be viewed as more intellectual and also as more valid. Her use of hair-raising statistics that often shock the reader allow a greater impact on the reader. This use of logic is especially useful because it often leads to the reader siding with her opinion as her opinion is well thought out and clever. Personally, it has allowed me to look at the topic of abortion with greater knowledge and a less biased opinion.

Global Warming
This blog is particularly attractive to me because it discusses issues in which I am heavily involved. As an environmentalist, this blog has allowed me to further my education on how global warming effects our world and how it continues to become a problem as not many are stepping up to do something about the issue. Kirstin's clever use of song lyrics and catching phrasing has kept me interested and made me want to come back for more every time a new post appears. Additionally, her emotional appeals cause the reader to become more engaged in the argument as she makes us realize that we are all a part of the problem and solution. This technique is particularly effective in making me, personally, want to work harder to get our earth back on a healthy track.

Second Hand Smoke
Again, this topic is especially interesting for me because it has an impact on our environment, and it also has an impact on my personal health. I was especially interested in this topic because I grew up with a grandmother who was a chain smoker and I now realize the detrimental effects her smoking could have caused for me if I had been around her more often, and also how this second hand smoke affected my mother and aunts. Additionally, this topic is especially interesting because of recent rules set in place for UNC. With a no smoking near university buildings rule going into effect in early January, it made the issue even more interesting. Lauren does a great job of being unbiased to both sides of the argument, while still adding her opinion to posts in a more subtle way. Lastly, her use biological evidence made this blog all the more appealing to me because I am a biology major and am very interested in biological research and studies.

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